My first website

Going through my Archive of numerous backup CD’s, I discovered something I had forgotten a long time ago – my first official website I made back in 02.2003. Such nostalgic feeling. 😉

The original hosting provided went out of service many years ago (very similar to GeoCities), so I decided to bring the site back to it’s original glory and re-host it on my own server under my own cloud hosted setup. Although technically, as the site is HTML based and do not use any server side scripting language like PHP or other, the task was simple, time has passed and a lot of technology has become obsolete – i.e ActiveX, JavaScript1.1 etc, causing the site to not be rendered correctly. 😞

This means that more work is required to refresh the site’s code, however I haven’t given up. This is WIP and hopefully soon the site will again be back online 🙂

The Vintage Tech Nerd

In the ever-evolving world of technology, where the latest gadgets and innovations often steal the spotlight, there’s a growing community of enthusiasts who find beauty in the past. These individuals, known as “vintage tech nerds,” have an insatiable passion for the technology of yesteryears. From classic game consoles to obsolete computer systems and audio formats, they cherish the old, celebrating the nostalgia and ingenuity of vintage tech.

Today, we’re excited to announce the birth of “The Vintage Tech Nerd” – a website that’s dedicated to exploring the fascinating world of vintage technology. Our mission is to be a haven for all things retro-tech, offering insights, reviews, how-tos, and more for those who appreciate the charm of yesterday’s innovations.

Welcome to The Vintage Tech Nerd – where the past meets the present, and the love for vintage technology lives on. We can’t wait to share our passion with you and invite you to join us on this nostalgic journey.